Monday Jul 17, 2023
7.16 [TEACHING + CONVERSATION] On Seeing Our Neighbors and Showing Up (wk 2)
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Jason Miller and Matt Graybill - This Sunday, we shared an emerging vision for downtown South Bend. The Tribune Project (our efforts to secure a new home for our church in the old printing press building of the South Bend Tribune) has drawn us into unexpected collaborations with other downtown stakeholders, dreaming together to reimagine downtown.
Ways to Get ConnectedDonate to the Jefferson Uniform Fund or you can bring new items to directly donate when you attend a gathering between now and July 30. For all information about uniforms, including colors and sizes needed, head to our website.Listen to our conversation about Jason's book.Support the ongoing work of SBCC by giving to our general fund. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Monday Jul 10, 2023
7.9 [TEACHING + CONVERSATION] On Seeing Our Neighbors and Showing Up (wk 1)
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Jason Miller and Principal Chiquita Adams - This Sunday we began a brief series on loving our neighbors well, and we were briefed on an opportunity for us to serve the students of Jefferson Traditional Middle School. This gathering also included time to engage in some practices and, when we get there, we would love for you to join us in the ways in which you can.
Ways to Get ConnectedDonate to the Jefferson Uniform Fund or you can bring new items to directly donate when you attend a gathering between now and July 30. For all information about uniforms, including colors and sizes needed, head to our website.Post in the South Bend City Church Collective on Facebook about the ways in which you're showing up in the community around you.Support the ongoing work of SBCC by giving to our general fund. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Friday Jun 30, 2023
6.25 [LITURGY] A Liturgy for the ”Outsiders”
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
In this weekends gatherings, we centered our liturgy on the Lectionary Reading from Psalm 69. We heard the personal story of our Director of Worship and Arts, Mariah, as she shared moments that she has felt like an outsider and she shared her new song, Jesus-Loving Queer Kid. We then took some time to encourage ourselves and each other with singing and opened up the table for all of our community to share in the Eucharist together.
If you would like to join us in the Eucharist, make sure to have some form of bread or cracker and some form of juice or wine with you.
Friday Jun 30, 2023
[CONVERSATION] 2023 Creating Safe Spaces For LGBTQ+ People Panel
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Earlier this month, we hosted a night for members of SBCC and the broader community who want to learn more about creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people. The event featured a panel of SBCC members telling their stories as LGBTQ+ people and followers of Jesus, and as a parent to a gay son, navigating the complicated and often painful experiences of exclusion and harm in religious communities, and the ways their faith has sustained them. The panel also responded to questions from those in attendance.
Want to know more about historic and progressive understandings of sexuality, the Bible, and Christian theology? Check out these reads:
Historic View:Washed and Waiting, by Wesley HillPeople to Be Loved, by Preston SprinkleWhat Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung
Progressive View:God and the Gay Christian, by Matthew VinesChanging Our Mind, by David GusheeBible, Gender, Sexuality, by James Brownson
Monday Jun 26, 2023
6.25 [TEACHING] Idols, Icons, and Tech (wk 4)
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Jason Miller - In the past year, we've seen the rapid acceleration of publicly available AI technologies like ChatGPT. Along with this acceleration, we've seen growing warnings about the dangers of AI. In our final week of Idols, Icons, and Tech, we considered a framing theological story to help us make sense of where all of this might be headed.
Ways to Get ConnectedSave the date for our SBCC Picnic on July 2 and, if you want, give towards making the morning happenSupport the ongoing work of SBCC by giving to our general fund. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
6.18 [TEACHING] Idols, Icons, and Tech (wk 3)
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Jason Miller - In spite of the dangers we've been learning about regarding the negative impact of digital devices and social media, it turns out there are clear, positive ways to reverse the effect. This week, we learn that the spiritual problems and the spiritual possibilities of technology are related.
Ways to Get ConnectedRSVP to the LGBTQ+ Table (June 27th)Save the date for our SBCC Picnic on July 2 and, if you want, give towards making the morning happenSupport the ongoing work of SBCC by giving to our general fund. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
6.11 [LITURGY] Psalm 33’s Great God
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
In this weekends liturgy, we centered ourselves on the Lectionary Reading of Psalm 33. South Bend City Church proudly calls itself a place for believers and doubters and those that are a bit of both, but this liturgy specifically lands on the belief side of things. We spend time thanking, praising, and proclaiming the greatness of God through song and reading. If this liturgy doesn't resonate with you today, that's okay, and we hope that you can still walk away feeling supported and seen by our community.
Follow along with the transcript on our website
Monday Jun 12, 2023
6.11 [TEACHING] Idols, Icons, and Tech (wk 2)
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Jason Miller - Many of us are aware that our increasing exposure to social media and other digital entertainment isn't entirely good for us. Today we explored a spiritual perspective on why that may be the case, and we offered a challenge for a practice this week.
Ways to Get ConnectedRegister for our Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Panel Night (June 13th)RSVP to the LGBTQ+ Table (June 27th)Save the date for our SBCC Picnic on July 2Support the ongoing work of SBCC by giving. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
6.4 [LITURGY] Rest
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
This weekend we were led through a meaningful liturgy of rest including songs, readings, and the opportunity to hear from some of our community in an open floor time. Our hope for this episode of the podcast is that, wherever you are in the world, you're able to take a minute to disconnect from distractions and take a real rest.
Ways to Get ConnectedRegister for our Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Panel Night (June 13th)RSVP to the LGBTQ+ Table (June 27th)Help us write our Father’s Day Reading by submitting before June 14thSupport the ongoing work of SBCC by giving. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Monday Jun 05, 2023
6.4 [TEACHING] Idols, Icons, and Tech (wk 1)
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Jason Miller - Technologies are advancing at a swift rate, bringing with them profound possibilities and alarming liabilities. For the next four weeks, we'll explore some big questions, theological frameworks, and practical approaches to our relationship with technology.
Ways to Get ConnectedRegister for our Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Panel Night (June 13th)RSVP to the LGBTQ+ Table (June 27th)Help us write our Father's Day Reading by submitting before June 14thFind more information or support The Tribune ProjectSupport the ongoing work of SBCC by giving. South Bend City Church is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible.